Community & Social Services


Community & Emergency Services

The section enhances the overall quality of life for residents within the municipality. Fosters community engagement, ensures the safety of residents by preventing, responding to, and managing fire emergencies, roper disposal and management of waste to protect the environment

Waste Collection: Organize and execute regular waste collection services. Implement systems for the proper disposal of residential and commercial waste.

Recycling Programs: Develop and promote recycling initiatives. Educate the community on the importance of recycling and waste reduction.

Waste Disposal Facilities: Manage and maintain waste disposal facilities, such as landfills and recycling centers.

Fire Prevention: Conduct inspections to enforce fire codes and regulations. Educate the community about fire safety practices.

Emergency Response: Respond to fire incidents, accidents, and other emergencies promptly. Coordinate with other emergency services to ensure a comprehensive response.

Training and Preparedness: Conduct training programs for firefighters and emergency response teams. Develop and implement emergency preparedness plans for the community.

Sukuma Sakhe: Coordinating Sukuma Sakhe initiatives, mobilizing resources, and implementing community-driven development projects

1.  Manager : Community Service  

2. Assitant Manager : Environmental and Waste

3. Public Amenities Supperintendent  

4. Senior Admin Assistant

5.  Librarian X4

6.  Cyber Cadet X4

7.  Senior Librarian X 2

8.  Supervisor: Waste X 4

9. Library Assistant  X 4

10. Compactor Truck Driver X3

11. Heavy Duty Operator  

12. Truck Driver x 3

13. Cemetery Clerk

14. General Workers X 78

15. Small Plant Operator X 14

16. Fire Station Officer

17.  Administrative Clerk

18. Disaster Management Officer

19.  Leading  Firefightiter X 4

20. Fire Fighter X 14

Greater Kokstad Municipality
Adam Kok III Building
75 Hope Street
P.O. Box 8
Kokstad 4700
E-mail address:

Contact Numbers:
Tel: 039 797 6602
Fax: 039 797 6701/039 727 3676

Emergency Numbers



039 797 1133

Fire & Rescue

039 727 5733

Customer Care

039 797 6602


039 797 8100

Anti-Fraud Hotline

010 593 0835

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Today: 268
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Total: 306,332

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