The GKM Law Enforcement department, in collaboration with the South African Tyre Manufacturing Conference (SATMC) and the Road Accident Fund, recently hosted a two-day 'Tyre and Road Safety Workshop' at the Kokstad Town Hall. This vital initiative drew participants from various municipal law enforcement departments across the Harry Gwala District and several RTI traffic units from KwaZulu-Natal.

The workshop aimed to educate stakeholders on critical aspects of tyre safety. It focused on the dangers associated with using second-hand tyres, identifying the expiration date of a tyre, understanding tyre treads, and the importance of regular tyre maintenance. Furthermore, the partnership sought to underscore the significance of tyre safety legislation and its enforcement within the law enforcement fraternity.

On the second day of the workshop, officers took to the streets to conduct roadside tyre safety checks, demonstrating tyre safety practices to drivers and highlighting the crucial role tyres play in ensuring vehicle safety and control. Tyres, being the vehicle's first point of contact with the road surface, are essential for safe driving, making tyre safety a top priority for all motorists.

The session also focused on educating officers and vehicle owners about the dangers of driving with partly worn-out tyres. The goal was to raise awareness about proper tyre

maintenance and the hazards of using illegal or unsafe second-hand tyres. This was to ensure that all road users were aware of these dangers which was a pivotal step towards reducing accidents and enhancing overall road safety.

Participants of the workshop received Tyre and Road Safety training certificates upon completion, acknowledging their commitment to tyre safety and equipping them with the knowledge to enforce tyre safety regulations effectively.

This initiative reflects the GKM Law Enforcement department's dedication to promoting road safety and preventing accidents caused by tyre-related issues. By partnering with SATMC and the Road Accident Fund, the department is taking significant steps towards fostering a culture of safety and responsibility among both law enforcement officers and the general public.

IMG 1838 1   IMG 1989 1  


By Kamvalethu Xhelithole

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