Budget & Treasury Office


Revenue Management

Compliance and Regulation: Ensure compliance with regulations related to revenue collection and financial management.

Customer Service: Provide customer service to residents and businesses regarding tax assessments, payment options, and other revenue-related inquiries.

Debt Management: Manage the municipality's debt obligations,

PAYROLL: Processing of monthly payroll, payment of third parties,

1. Manager: Revenue
2. Valuation Officer
3. Revenue Management Officer
4. Payroll Officer
5. Expenditure Officer
6. Indigent Administrator
7. Enquiries Clerk
8. Debtors Clerk
9. Cashiers X2
10. Meter Readers X3
11. Debtors Control Officer (Outsourced) 12. Debtors Collection X 2 (Outsourced) 13. Senior Creditors Clerk
14. Creditors Clerk

Greater Kokstad Municipality
Adam Kok III Building
75 Hope Street
P.O. Box 8
Kokstad 4700
E-mail address: gkmcommunications@kokstad.gov.za

Contact Numbers:
Tel: 039 797 6602
Fax: 039 797 6701/039 727 3676

Emergency Numbers



039 797 1133

Fire & Rescue

039 727 5733

Customer Care

039 797 6602


039 797 8100

Anti-Fraud Hotline

010 593 0835

Visitors Counter

Today: 310
Yesterday: 513
This Week: 1,241
Last Week: 2,091
This Month: 1,517
Last Month: 6,921
Total: 306,374

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